Zoning in vs Zoning out

Zoning in vs Zoning out

Zoning in vs Zoning out

It’s common to hear people talk about using exercise as a way to zone out and turn their brains off from the stress of their daily lives.

While working out can be a great tool for clearing your mind, at OPEX Gyms we encourage our clients to zone ‘in’, rather than ‘out’.

Zoning out can be problematic for a number of reasons:

  • When you switch off your brain, silly accidents and injuries can happen.
  • When you’re not focusing on your workout with the right intent, you won’t get optimal results.
  • When you’re not connected to why you’re doing what you’re doing, it can be hard to stay motivated and it becomes easy to make excuses to skip an exercise or a session.

Zoning in, on the other hand, will maximize your results in the gym, while still affording you the mental clarity and enjoyment that come from losing yourself in your workout.

We encourage our clients to zone in by using deliberate practice when they are training. This will mean something different for everyone and for each session, but broadly, it means to keep the intent of the workout front of mind as you do it. OPEX coaches are experts at communicating this intent to their clients through consultations, TrueCoach notes and on the floor, so the purpose of their workouts is always clear.

An example of deliberate practice is as follows. John’s coach has designed a workout to help him develop his upper back muscles. When doing dumbbell rows and pull-ups, John focuses on squeezing his armpits and keeping his shoulders away from his ears, as directed by his coach.

By zoning in on his workout, John experiences a number of benefits.

  • By moving mindfully, John uses the correct muscles so that he can fix muscular imbalances and get the best results from his time in the gym.
  • John knows that his workout is designed specifically to help him reach his goals of better posture and overcoming nagging neck pain (plus he’ll look jacked for the summer!), so he never skips a day and stays inspired.
  • Rather than mindlessly rushing through his sets and reps, John’s deliberate practice means he experiences self discovery every time he trains. He discovers he has more control from one session to the next, notices new sensations and feels new muscles working. This makes him feel more connected to his body.
  • By really focusing on his quality of movement, John’s mind is clear from his to-do list at work and home, and he leaves the gym feeling relaxed.

It’s important to have a professional coach assess you, design your workout and watch you move, but for the best results and longevity, you need to connect with the purpose and intent of your training too. That’s what makes the OPEX coach-client relationship so special– your coach will educate you on the why, so that you can zone in, take ownership of your training, and enjoy the process of your fitness journey.

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